Import/export requirements for the most active medical cannabis trade markets

The medical cannabis industry has become more globalised than ever, and this trend shows no indication of slowing down. Medical cannabis markets such as Australia and Germany have matured and increasingly rely upon imports to supply their domestic programmes, while countries like Canada, Colombia and Portugal have grown their exports substantially in the last few years and established themselves as export markets.

The regulation of medical cannabis trade, however, remains complex with little harmonisation.

This report examines the regulatory requirements for importing and exporting medical cannabis in the most active trade markets in the world. The most active markets examined in this report were determined based on data published by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), data published by national authorities and developments tracked by CannIntelligence.

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Anthony Traurig

Senior advisor
Anthony is senior advisor to CannIntelligence, where he provides regulatory guidance on issues within the global cannabis sector. Having worked several years as a legal analyst at CannIntelligence, he continues to work on consultancy projects and contribute to regulatory products for the platform. Anthony has a BA in political science from North Carolina State University and a Juris Doctor from Charleston School of Law (South Carolina), and practised law for several years in the United States as a litigator.

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