In this part of a series of articles celebrating the tenth anniversary of Tamarind Intelligence, we look at how the landscape of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) across Europe has changed over the years ...
Tobacco-free herbal sticks are expected to continue growing in popularity, and some producers are considering the inclusion of CBD-based heated sticks in their product line where it is permitted as an ingredient ...
Herbal products and devices will fall under the Belgian regulatory framework for tobacco if a bill to incorporate Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100, submitted into the EU TRIS database, goes into effect unchanged ...
A test case has demonstrated that the ECHR doesn’t consider access to cannabis to be a universal human right, and balancing a cannabis user’s human rights with public interest is best left to sovereign states...
A new cross-party European parliamentary group wants to help patients across the European Union get better access to medical cannabis and advance the EU’s cannabis resolution of 2019 ...
Catch up on the latest CBD business news with CBD-Intel’s weekly round-up, bringing updates from the US, Canada, London, Hungary, Spain, Google and Facebook ...
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