Many ailing African economies are turning to hemp and cannabis cultivation. In some cases this is to replace declining tobacco businesses. But many still face economic challenges as well as local opposition ...
Zimbabwe wants to be a big player in the African cannabis industry, but the country is failing to meet its initial ambitions because only a few licensed companies are active ...
Zimbabwe’s minister of finance and economic development, Mthuli Ncube, has proposed wide-ranging and hugely ambitious cannabis levies in the country, starting next year ...
The Zimbabwean agriculture minister has officially published a new statutory instrument to regulate the production, procurement, distribution, possession, sale, provision and transportation of industrial hemp ...
Zimbabwe has changed tack, allowing investors to hold 100% of medicinal cannabis licences in order to improve competiveness of the sector both regionally and globally ...
The legalisation of cannabis production in Zimbabwe – including both low-THC “hemp” and higher THC “medical cannabis” varieties – has created considerable interest but continues to be held back ...
Information from the US, the UK, Canada and Africa, including how more than half of the hemp crops planted in Hawaii have had to be destroyed due to THC content being over the permitted levels...
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