Germany: On 8th March, the Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and Social Democratic Party (SPD) parties
held exploratory talks about a potential coalition. The CDU/CSU has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the legalisation of cannabis that was implemented by the outgoing government; however, media
reports that the topic was not discussed during these talks, despite the CDU/CSU and SPD holding differing views on the matter. This suggests that the CDU/CSU, which won the elections last month, may not reverse the legalisation of cannabis in the coming years after all, contrary to prior announcements. That said, CDU/CSU member of the Bundestag, Günter Krings,
affirmed today that the party still plans on restricting cannabis legalisation. Additionally, a recent
survey from Kaufmännische Krankenkasse (KKH) – one of the main health insurance providers in Germany – indicated that more than half of the population (aged between 18 and 70) do not want the legalisation of cannabis to be reversed.