As the 68th session of the United Nations (UN) Commission on Narcotic Drugs approaches in March 2025, the international debate over the regulation of hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) continues to gain momentum ...
In this part of a series of articles celebrating the tenth anniversary of Tamarind Intelligence, we look at how the landscape of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) across Europe has changed over the years ...
While its neighbours Germany and the Czech Republic continue to move closer towards legalising recreational cannabis, Austria appears to be lagging behind. The governing People’s Party is firmly against the idea ...
Austria’s almost non-existent regime for the use of cannabinoids in medication has been described as "a Kafkaesque nightmare" with over-officious bureaucracy putting pointless hurdles in patients' way ...
Israeli cannabis firm InterCure is collaborating with US brand Cookies to launch Europe’s first flagship Cookies store in Vienna; meanwhile, Panaxia Labs exports to Germany from Malta ...
The need to improve sleep is one of the main reasons why US consumers buy CBD, according to CBD-Intel’s latest market research; however, a recent report from a CBD watchdog claims that 60% of the...
A new cross-party European parliamentary group wants to help patients across the European Union get better access to medical cannabis and advance the EU’s cannabis resolution of 2019 ...
Swiss consumers are head-for-head the biggest purchasers of CBD products, according to CBD-Intel’s 2021 market size analysis. Meanwhile, we predict big growth in a number of other markets, and a shift in the most popular...
CBD companies based in Europe have a range of possible options for government assistance to help them through the various strictures imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic ...
Confusion surrounds the sale of CBD food products in Austria – but that has not stopped some companies that have previously run into trouble with the authorities from reintroducing items into the market ...
Austrian and German police policy, local THC decision in Italy, Slovakian de-scheduling, Croatian proposals, US federal and state rulings and Israeli priorities come under the regulatory spotlight ...
No one in Austria wants to take responsibility for the enforcement and clarification of CBD regulations as Austrian and European officials appear to be working at cross purposes to implement new rulings ...
The Austrian government is to review the enforcement of rules on CBD, but stricter interpretations are not expected despite recent rumours and the fears of some sellers of CBD products ...