Brazilian pharmaceutical company Ease Labs officially announced the acquisition this month of Plena, a cannabis cultivation and extraction company based in Colombia ...
In 2023, nearly a third – around $3.4m – of Colombia's total cannabis exports went to Brazil, driven by regulatory shifts and Colombia’s determination to dominate the international cannabis market ...
A positive result is expected in a Supreme Court challenge on Brazil’s already decriminalised penalties for cannabis possession, which could clearly delineate the amount permitted for personal use for the first time ...
While politicians leave the question unanswered, the growing and importing of low-THC cannabis for medical and industrial uses could become legal in Brazil through a decision by the country's most senior judges ...
This is an important year for positive legislation affecting cannabinoids across South America, though some depends on election results and all of it will take a few years to take effect ...
Interest in the Brazilian medical cannabinoid market is based on optimistic projections of growth continuing in the same vein rather than concrete current numbers, a domestic report has confirmed ...
A bill to legalise the cultivation and processing of hemp and medical cannabis in Brazil has been dealt a blow with a call for it to be debated and voted on by the country’s full...
A bill that would allow the cultivation and processing of hemp and cannabis in Brazil has passed an important committee vote in the country’s lower legislative chamber – but serious obstacles remain ...
Brazil still faces a serious attitude problem when it comes to advancing regulations for hemp and CBD, according to the leaders of two recently launched industry associations in the country ...
Efforts to supply the first CBD product to Brazil’s public healthcare system will have to wait a while longer – and there is some dispute between the institute preparing to produce it and the sponsors...
A proposal to be voted on by Brazilian legislators in the coming weeks could legalise the growing of hemp for industrial purposes and cannabis for medical use ...
Countries in South America are becoming increasingly important markets for CBD, as the ink dries on a deal to distribute medical cannabis products in Brazil, where a change in regulatory policy has opened up trade...
Further legal action is expected from the only company so far granted official permission to grow hemp in Brazil after a federal court suspended its authorisation ...
Supply agreements for CBD continue to develop in South America, with new deals for distributing products in Brazil and an agreement in Colombia brought about by Canopy Growth’s change in strategy ...
A company has launched a hand sanitiser infused with CBD, a US wellness brand is selling what it claims is the world’s first CBD blanket, and Dog-sledding champion Lance Mackey has admitted to giving his...
Tom Hanks refutes false claims over endorsement of CBD products, research suggests cannabinoids benefit gene receptor diseases and CBD coffee is set to hit the market, plus more ...
Optimism is growing and companies are only waiting for the green light to start the production of cannabinoid products in Brazil, according to specialists ...
Brazil has granted industrial hemp cultivation and processing authorisation to a company in a move that may be viewed as a major step towards liberalisation of the hemp and cannabinoid sector in the country ...
Prospects for CBD in Brazil depend hugely on the outcome of the forthcoming presidential election, in which the far right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro has emerged as a very strong favourite ...
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