Attempts to legalise adult recreational cannabis use continue to stall across Latin America, with Colombia the latest example there of a nation where what looked a promising bid has fallen short ...
Amid increased criticism, members of Costa Rica’s presidential ministry will modify elements of its recreational cannabis bill prior to seeking its advancement in the country’s 57-member Legislative Assembly ...
CannIntelligence reviews developments in cannabis regulation in Latin America in 2022 and looks forward to likely further opening-up of the industry in many of the region's nations in 2023 ...
Costa Rica will look to legalise recreational cannabis with a bill presented to Congress ahead of extraordinary legislative sessions in November, president Rodrigo Chaves announced ...
Costa Rican president Carlos Alvarado ratified a bill on 2nd March that legalises the sale and distribution of medicinal cannabis and allows for the commercial production of hemp in the Central American nation ...
Costa Rican president Carlos Alvarado, who has supported the legalisation of cannabis throughout his administration, has partially vetoed a bill that would have legalised medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp ...
A Costa Rican bill legalising the production of hemp and medical cannabis looks likely to pass due to broad support from the ruling coalition and president ...
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