Republicans are favoured over Democrats to take control of both chambers of US Congress in the midterm elections, but there are supporters and naysayers among both major parties when it comes to cannabis legalisation ...
The need to improve sleep is one of the main reasons why US consumers buy CBD, according to CBD-Intel’s latest market research; however, a recent report from a CBD watchdog claims that 60% of the...
A new cross-party European parliamentary group wants to help patients across the European Union get better access to medical cannabis and advance the EU’s cannabis resolution of 2019 ...
Reform of cannabis laws at federal level in the US looks to be a step closer following the likely victory of the Democratic party in run-off elections for both Senate seats in the state of...
With high government hopes for a new export trade, the parliament of the former Soviet republic of Georgia is to consider again a bill that would legalise the cultivation of hemp and manufacture of hemp...
Congressional politicians in Tennessee have been turning their attention to possible regulation of farming for CBD, while those in Georgia have been addressed by military veterans eager for CBD to be legalised ...
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