In this part of a series of articles celebrating the tenth anniversary of Tamarind Intelligence, we look at how the landscape of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) across Europe has changed over the years ...
Tobacco-free herbal sticks are expected to continue growing in popularity, and some producers are considering the inclusion of CBD-based heated sticks in their product line where it is permitted as an ingredient ...
HHC is the most popular intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoid (IHDC) in Europe, while delta-8 THC remains top in the US, according to CannIntelligence analysts ...
A new cross-party European parliamentary group wants to help patients across the European Union get better access to medical cannabis and advance the EU’s cannabis resolution of 2019 ...
Swiss consumers are head-for-head the biggest purchasers of CBD products, according to CBD-Intel’s 2021 market size analysis. Meanwhile, we predict big growth in a number of other markets, and a shift in the most popular...
CBD companies based in Europe have a range of possible options for government assistance to help them through the various strictures imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic ...
Expected retail closures will have a significant impact on the distribution of CBD products in most major markets, according to analysis of CBD-Intel data ...
Two of the largest legal cannabis companies, Wayland and International Cannabis Corp, are teaming up with a multinational pharmaceutical organisation in a bid to create significant amounts of CBD for the European market ...
Interest in the Greek CBD market continues to grow despite an uncertain regulatory situation, with a number of apparent cases of police taking action against people acting entirely legally ...
The Greek Ministry of Health has issued two circulars on e-cig regulation, clearing up a legal grey area by insisting that both CBD and shake-and-vape products are banned in the country ...
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