Malawi has legalised the cultivation of a potent local variety of cannabis for industrial and medicinal use but maintained the criminal status of its recreational use – raising concerns among the Rastafarian community ...
Many ailing African economies are turning to hemp and cannabis cultivation. In some cases this is to replace declining tobacco businesses. But many still face economic challenges as well as local opposition ...
Malawi has asked former world heavyweight boxing chamption Mike Tyson to be ambassador for its cannabinoid industry, where new legislation is coming in. A civil rights group opposes this ...
Malawi is set to have its first hemp harvest this year following the licensing of 36 companies. However, despite hopes the plant could change the country’s economic fortunes, it will continue to be strictly regulated...
Officials in Malawi have been accused of deliberately setting high licence fees for hemp and cannabis cultivation and trade in order to attract international investment and exclude local ownership ...
Global agricultural giant Pyxus International is among a number of international companies that have expressed interest in venturing into hemp cultivation in Malawi ...
Law enforcement and financial crimes experts in Malawi and Zambia have urged lawmakers to find ways to counter corruption before they start issuing licences to cultivate cannabis ...
A bill legalising hemp and medical cannabis has been passed in Malawi, making it the fifth African country to pass some form of cannabis legalisation ...
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