US cannabis company Medicine Man Technologies, operating as Schwazze, saw an increase in revenue last year, helped by acquisitions, new store openings, entrance into the New Mexico market, and that state's adult-use legalisation taking effect...
Three more states have been added to the growing list of US jurisdictions allowing adult use of recreational cannabis. And they have learned lessons on how to frame regulation from those that came before ...
Guidance on SAFE Banking, the emergence of non-CBD CBD creams, and a question of wind in Arizona are among the latest items of business news in brief from CBD-Intel ...
A round-up of the week’s relevant regulatory news in the global CBD market for CBD-Intel, with updates from around the US, Belgium, France, Latvia, and Colombia ...
CBD products appears to be entering the mainstream of US retail. One of the largest retail pharmacy chains in the US, CVS is already selling a range of products in at least eight US states...
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