Attempts to legalise adult recreational cannabis use continue to stall across Latin America, with Colombia the latest example there of a nation where what looked a promising bid has fallen short ...
CannIntelligence reviews developments in cannabis regulation in Latin America in 2022 and looks forward to likely further opening-up of the industry in many of the region's nations in 2023 ...
New legislation has been put forward in Peru to establish a framework for the production and commercialisation of hemp – but what are its chances of passing in a period of political turmoil? ...
A bill put forward in Peru seeks to establish regulation that would allow for the production and commercialisation of industrial hemp in the South American country ...
The Peruvian Health Ministry has published a draft legal framework that will regulate the medicinal and therapeutic cannabis market following the 16th May resolution promising such a move ...
This is an important year for positive legislation affecting cannabinoids across South America, though some depends on election results and all of it will take a few years to take effect ...
As a potential CBD and cannabis market emerges in Peru, players from across the globe are seeing a valuable opportunity for investing in the country ...
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