In this part of a series of articles celebrating the tenth anniversary of Tamarind Intelligence, we look at how the landscape of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) across Europe has changed over the years ...
Women started entering the cannabis sector right at its beginning, and by 2015 over one third of US executives in cannabis companies were female. In 2017 this figure was down to 26% ...
Germany, Luxembourg and Malta have taken the first step towards working together on the legalisation and regulation of recreational cannabis, leading a wave of potential reform across the EU ...
A new cross-party European parliamentary group wants to help patients across the European Union get better access to medical cannabis and advance the EU’s cannabis resolution of 2019 ...
Canadian cannabis firms Aphria and Tilray have announced a merger that will create “the world’s largest weed company”, operating under the Tilray name ...
Firms from Israel and South America are showing faith in the European CBD market, and its bricks-and-mortar retail, with distribution deals to place their products in a growing number of outlets ...
Americans for Safe Access has issued the Patient’s Guide to CBD, Ireland sees increase in hemping-growing licence applications, and over 6000 plants have been seized in Portugal ...
The town of Nelas in north central Portugal is to be the site of a new CBD oil factory producing medicinal products extracted from cannabis sativa for export to America and within Europe ...
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