Deference to law enforcement and a history pitted in racism are among the reasons behind South Carolina’s resistance towards legalising medical cannabis, according to activists in the state ...
A tax break given to a new CBD oil processing plant demonstrates that the industry is being taken seriously enough at local government level in the US to negotiate tax breaks like any other potential...
Guidance on SAFE Banking, the emergence of non-CBD CBD creams, and a question of wind in Arizona are among the latest items of business news in brief from CBD-Intel ...
A Colorado company is to pilot the use of CBD vending machines in convenience stores. Other news items come from the UK, South Africa, and states across the US from California to Vermont ...
CBD products appears to be entering the mainstream of US retail. One of the largest retail pharmacy chains in the US, CVS is already selling a range of products in at least eight US states...
Momentum in the American CBD market continues to build, but a confusing patchwork of differing interpretations by various state authorities has led to local officials starting to clamp down on retailers ...
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