Kentucky and Tennessee are among a large number of Southeastern US states that have not yet passed legislation for medical cannabis programs. Here, CBD-Intel examines the issues behind the official reluctance ...
Every state in the US is offering some sort of tax relief in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and many hemp and CBD companies may be eligible for such relief ...
CBD-Intel brings you news that a rugby league team will be the first senior outfit in its sport to promote a CBD brand on its kit, a qualification for hemp production is offered in Kentucky...
Police in Vermont were satisfied with the legality of a shipment of hemp after being tipped off by delivery company FedEx – but the New York Police Department took a different view ...
The first in a new weekly round-up from around the US brings you news from Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Maine, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, and Tennessee ...
CBD products appears to be entering the mainstream of US retail. One of the largest retail pharmacy chains in the US, CVS is already selling a range of products in at least eight US states...
Momentum in the American CBD market continues to build, but a confusing patchwork of differing interpretations by various state authorities has led to local officials starting to clamp down on retailers ...
Congressional politicians in Tennessee have been turning their attention to possible regulation of farming for CBD, while those in Georgia have been addressed by military veterans eager for CBD to be legalised ...
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