Brazilian pharmaceutical company Ease Labs officially announced the acquisition this month of Plena, a cannabis cultivation and extraction company based in Colombia ...
The cannabis social club model is now being incorporated by multiple European regulators. Born and developed outside a legal framework, it originated as an attempt to regulate cannabis production and consumption ...
Attempts to legalise adult recreational cannabis use continue to stall across Latin America, with Colombia the latest example there of a nation where what looked a promising bid has fallen short ...
The senator leading a bid to legalise recreational cannabis in France has called legalisation “the least bad solution” to addressing cannabis consumption in the country, and has said he does not expect any measure to...
The US is in danger of being left behind the burgeoning global cannabis market because of a lack of political will to commit to any form of federal cannabis reform ...
Yvy Life Sciences, the first company authorised to grow medical-grade cannabis plants in Uruguay, has started harvesting its first crops for this purpose ...
This is an important year for positive legislation affecting cannabinoids across South America, though some depends on election results and all of it will take a few years to take effect ...
Countries in South America are becoming increasingly important markets for CBD, as the ink dries on a deal to distribute medical cannabis products in Brazil, where a change in regulatory policy has opened up trade...
CBD-Intel brings you news of a US-Canadian joint venture, new CBD product launches, a Canadian company's purchase of a Uruguayan grower, and a hitmaking music duo's hemp deal ...
The United Nations Committee on Narcotic Drugs (UNCND) has delayed voting on cannabis and CBD recommendations in a move that has upset a number of delegates ...
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