Not a single US state governorship flipped parties during the elections held on 5th November despite strong gains in the Senate for the Republican party, as well as the party’s victory in the presidential election...
Though debate about US president Joe Biden’s potential replacement dominates headlines on the November elections, down-ballot races in many states may impact the future of cannabis in the country ...
Every state in the US is offering some sort of tax relief in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and many hemp and CBD companies may be eligible for such relief ...
A Denver-based chain claims to be the first CBD burger franchise in the US, while a Japanese company says it can extract CBD from orange peel. These and other stories are in CBD-Intel's latest round-up...
Tom Hanks refutes false claims over endorsement of CBD products, research suggests cannabinoids benefit gene receptor diseases and CBD coffee is set to hit the market, plus more ...
CBD-Intel brings you news that hemp farmers in the US have set up their own trade association. a new CBD production line has been announced in China, and a German business is now taking orders...
A Colorado company is to pilot the use of CBD vending machines in convenience stores. Other news items come from the UK, South Africa, and states across the US from California to Vermont ...
Police in Vermont were satisfied with the legality of a shipment of hemp after being tipped off by delivery company FedEx – but the New York Police Department took a different view ...
CBD products appears to be entering the mainstream of US retail. One of the largest retail pharmacy chains in the US, CVS is already selling a range of products in at least eight US states...
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