This regulatory report analyses the different approaches taken by states over what restrictions they impose on medical cannabis products that patients can buy ...
This report covers, state by state, the question of whether each US state allows the sale of hemp-derived CBD vaping products and on what legal terms ...
This report details the labelling requirements for CBD products of all US states that have enacted regulations and shows how manufacturers can create a versatile label to satisfy as many states' regulations as possible ...
Cosmetics have been a mainstay in the CBD market in the US, and there are no signs that is likely to change any time soon. This report offers an overview of the current status of...
With the federal legalisation of hemp in the US , states were left to enact their own legislation to adapt. CBD-Intel provides an overview of US law on smokable hemp, along with analysis of each...
Written by Berta Camps Bisbal | 25th February 2020
The regulatory snapshot gives a comprehensive overview of the current regulatory landscape in Texas, detailing import and export laws, rules around vaping, cosmetic and pet food products as well as foodstuffs ...
The Texas hemp plan, legalising the cultivation, handling and processing of hemp in the state, became law on 10th June – but would-be manufacturers are still having to wait ...
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