26th April 2023 - Europe, Lithuania |
Lithuania: The Seimas (parliament) is to reconsider decriminalising possession of small quantities of cannabis. Members yesterday accepted the Ethics and Procedures Committee’s view
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25th April 2023 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: During a parliamentary debate on medical cannabis, Will Quince, minister for health and secondary care, said he understood the government intended to respond to the
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US – North Dakota: Senate Bill 2096 has been signed into law by governor Doug Burgum. It revises the definition of hemp products to
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25th April 2023 - Europe, Lithuania |
Lithuania: A bid to decriminalise possession of small quantities of cannabis was removed from the parliamentary agenda today, with procedural issues to be
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25th April 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The Ministry of Health has notified through the European Commission’s TRIS database a bill to add the synthetic cannabinoid ADB-BUTINACA to the New Psychoactive Substances
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US - Delaware: Democratic governor John Carney has a stated that he will allow House Bill (HB) 1 and HB 2, collectively known
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24th April 2023 - Bulgaria, Europe |
Bulgaria: The Ministry of Interior has released the results of a police operation that seized 5,670 products containing hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) "with extremely vague documentation".
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US - WashingtonSenate Bill (SB) 5367 has been passed by the House and now heads to the governor's desk. The bill would amend definitions of
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US - MontanaSenate Bill (SB) 67 has been signed by governor Greg Gianforte and enacted into law. The bill lists several THC isomers, including
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21st April 2023 - Europe, Portugal |
Portugal: The Liberal Initiative party, an opposition party with eight seats in Parliament, has introduced a bill to legalise recreational cannabis. The bill
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21st April 2023 - Europe, Finland |
Finland: The citizens’ initiative “Cannabis to be legal, regulated and taxed”, published in October 2022, has achieved the necessary 50,000 declarations of support.
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20th April 2023 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: Conservative MP David Mundell told the Scottish Herald newspaper that the cannabis industry has huge economic potential but faces a lot of regulatory
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20th April 2023 - North America, United States |
US - federal: Democrat senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Congressional Cannabis Caucus co-chairs representatives Barbara Lee (Democrat) and David Joyce (Republican) have reintroduced the Veterans Medical
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20th April 2023 - Australasia, New Zealand |
New Zealand: Medleaf High THC GG#4, a dried cannabis flower used to make tea, has been verified by the Medicinal Cannabis Agency as meeting
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20th April 2023 - Argentina, South America |
Argentina: The Ministry of Health issued a resolution yesterday extending from one year to three the validity of home growers’, patients’ and prescribing doctors’
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US - Arkansas: Senate Bill (SB) 358 has been signed by the governor and enacted into law. What is now Act 629 bans
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18th April 2023 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: Representative Earl Blumenauer has reintroduced the Small Business Tax Equity Act, which would allow federal tax deductions on cannabis sales
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US - New Jersey: The board of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) has changed its position on the renewal of Curaleaf’s adult-use cannabis licences,
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US - Colorado: House Bill 23-1279 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. It would allow licensed cannabis retailers
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18th April 2023 - Europe |
EU: The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released its technical report on hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and other semi-synthetic cannabinoids in Europe.
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17th April 2023 - Canada, North America |
Canada - Quebec: The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Quebec’s ban on the possession and cultivation of cannabis plants for personal purposes is constitutional.
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US - New Jersey: The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission’s (CRC) board has denied the renewal of Curaleaf’s cultivation and retail licences for adult-use cannabis.
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US - Alabama: The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC) has advanced 90 business applications for a review and scoring process that is scheduled
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US - Virginia: Senate Bill (SB) 788 has been signed by the governor and enacted into law. SB 788 proposes several changes to the medical
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US - Virginia: House Bill (HB) 2368 has been signed by the governor and enacted into law. HB 2368 will strengthen regulations on labelling,
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US - Washington stateSenate Bill (SB) 5069 has been passed by the Senate, with minor amendments made by the House, and now heads
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14th April 2023 - Mexico, North America |
Mexico: The Federal Commission for the Protection against Public Health Risks (Cofepris) has stated that legal action will be taken to revoke the 63
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14th April 2023 - Europe, Luxembourg |
Luxembourg: Following Germany’s recent announcement on legalising cannabis, Luxembourg's minister of health, Paulette Lenert, expressed optimism for the country's plans to legalise adult-use
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US - VirginiaSenate Bill (SB) 903 has been signed by the governor and enacted into law. The bill will amend the state's hemp
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US - VirginiaSenate Bill (SB) 1533 has been signed by the governor and enacted into law. SB 1533 will allow an additional cultivation site for cannabis
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US - VirginiaSenate Bill (SB) 1337 has been signed by the governor and enacted into law. SB 1337 will amend the state's medical cannabis laws
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US - Hawaii: During her confirmation hearing before the state senate, attorney general-nominee Anne Lopez said that her office would not oppose recreational cannabis
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14th April 2023 - Czech Republic, Europe |
Czech Republic: The National Anti-Drug Headquarters (a police department) together with the Ministry of Defense and customs officials have proposed to include hexahydrocannabinol
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US - Washington state: Senate Bill 5069 has been passed with a minor amendment by the House which now awaits Senate approval before the
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US - Connecticut: A joint enforcement action by attorney general William Tong and the Stamford Police has led to thousands of illegal products
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US - North Dakota: Senate Bill 2388 has been signed by governor Doug Burgum and enacted into law. This means that medical cannabis patients who
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US - Virginia: House Bill 1846 has been enacted into law, after both chambers of the General Assembly accepted governor Glenn Youngkin’s recommendation. Among
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US - Washington state: House Bill 1772, which would prohibit the sale, manufacture or public serving of so-called cannabis cocktails – products that combine
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13th April 2023 - Austria, Europe |
Austria: Christian Stocker, general secretary of the governing People’s Party, has said the party is firmly against the idea of following Germany’s example in
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US – ArkansasHouse Bill 1784 has been signed into law by governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It protects qualified medical cannabis patients and their
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12th April 2023 - Mexico, North America |
Mexico: President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said 63 licences to distribute cannabis-based products that were issued by the Federal Commission for the Protection against
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12th April 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The Health Ministry has presented new key points for the cannabis legalisation project. In phase one, non-profit cannabis clubs will be allowed to grow
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US - Texas: House Bill 1805 has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. It would broaden access to the state Compassionate
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12th April 2023 - Europe, Netherlands |
Netherlands: All ten growers in the Closed Coffee Shop Chain experiment have been selected and instructed, media reports. The first phase of the
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