Policy and Politics

US federal government soliciting information for CBD research

22nd November 2018 - News analysis |

Securing cannabis supplies for research purposes is the focus of an information request from the US federal government. They are asking businesses about the ability to analyse, produce, and even distribute cannabis products for research. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is probing for businesses that have the “in-house capability to act as a centralized source for acquisition and/or production, analysis, and distribution of cannabis and related materials for research purposes,” according to a federal notice.

New regulations now in place: Canada regulatory snapshot

17th October 2018 - Regulatory reports |

Contents1 Executive summary2 Planting and growing3 Extraction, manufacture, importing and exporting4 Finished products5 Relevant laws and guidance6 Relevant federal body7 Relevant industry associations       Executive summary   Canada is the centre for the world’s largest cannabis companies and has recently implemented a wide-ranging new regulatory environment for all cannabis products. However, the new cannabis legislation treats CBD in » Continue Reading.