The election of libertarian Javier Milei is causing as much worry as optimism in Argentina’s cannabis industry, which hopes for a commitment to the continuity of current public policies ...
Attempts to legalise adult recreational cannabis use continue to stall across Latin America, with Colombia the latest example there of a nation where what looked a promising bid has fallen short ...
Written by Sergi Riudalbàs Clemente | 9th August 2023
The Argentine government has finally put enough flesh on the bones of its laws to allow the development of a hemp industry and expansion of its medical cannabis sector ...
Argentina has taken another step towards establishing a national cannabis industry – though not fast enough to satisfy a large number of potential members eager to get on with it ...
CannIntelligence reviews developments in cannabis regulation in Latin America in 2022 and looks forward to likely further opening-up of the industry in many of the region's nations in 2023 ...
The Argentine hemp industry is hopeful that sales of delta-8 THC hemp products will be formally permitted under the country’s new legal framework for cannabinoids ...
Members of the Argentina Chamber of Deputies approved a law on 5th May that would establish a legal framework for the production, sale and export of medical cannabis as well as industrial hemp, a decision...
Yvy Life Sciences, the first company authorised to grow medical-grade cannabis plants in Uruguay, has started harvesting its first crops for this purpose ...
Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies is expected to approve a bill creating a legal framework for the cultivation, manufacture and sale of medicinal cannabis and hemp “within two months”, CBD-Intel has been told ...
Argentina’s president is urging the national Congress to approve a law this year that would establish a legal framework for the production and sale of medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp ...
This is an important year for positive legislation affecting cannabinoids across South America, though some depends on election results and all of it will take a few years to take effect ...
Early moves towards a regulatory framework that would allow a cannabinoid industry in Argentina have been welcomed by insiders who hope ultimately to match or surpass the progress made by other South American nations ...
An extra helping of regulatory news from CBD-Intel brings you snippets from Argentina, Turkey, Lithuania, Estonia, the US House of Representatives and the state of Iowa ...
A growing domestic CBD consumer base and excellent potential for cannabis farming make Argentina an intriguing market despite regulatory ambiguity and differences in opinion between national and provincial authorities ...
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