Three US states where recreational cannabis states is legal have now moved to regulate hemp-derived delta-8 THC products by placing them under their state cannabis programmes ...
Three more states have been added to the growing list of US jurisdictions allowing adult use of recreational cannabis. And they have learned lessons on how to frame regulation from those that came before ...
Lawmakers in the US state of Connecticut have legalised recreational cannabis in a measure that includes provisions aimed at social equity in a vote on the 50th anniversary of the so-called “war on drugs” ...
Every state in the US is offering some sort of tax relief in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and many hemp and CBD companies may be eligible for such relief ...
Governors and lawmakers from six US states have met at a regional cannabis and vaping summit in an attempt to establish more collective standardised regulations and legislative approaches ...
Moves are under way in a number of US states to take executive action against various vapour products. Meanwhile, a Kentucky CBD firm is suing for $44m an Oregon company it says sold it “nearly...
CBD is being brought reluctantly into the recent growing concern surrounding an unexplained lung condition affecting more than 120 people across the US ...
CBD shows promise for treating some medical conditions but the potential for interactions with other drugs is a cause for concern, as is poor quality control, according to a recent review of science in the...
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