Texas-based Collective Growth is remaining positive despite failing to find the right partners for a $150m investment fund raised to develop the US hemp market ...
A proposal to legalise low-THC hemp was submitted on 19th January in the Korean parliament, which proposes to exclude synthetic products as well as preparations with THC content up to 0.3% from cannabis ...
A CNY5bn ($745m) fund and three years of CNY100m ($14.9m) funding have been promised as part of a hemp sector development plan for Kunming City, the capital of Yunnan Province ...
US-based CBD producer Folium Biosciences is looking to tap Asian markets by creating a dedicated stalk extraction line which it believes will meet the strict regulatory requirements of Japan and South Korea ...
2020 seems an unlikely year for the emergence of any new industry, yet this is exactly what has happened in Hong Kong, where there are now locally produced CBD food and drink products ...
Studies looking at the potential for CBD to treat or alleviate COVID-19 symptoms continue to progress – with one study hinting at promising results combining CBD with other terpene products ...
Israel is considering amending the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, which – if successful – will have a major impact on the market with hemp and CBD products ...
Companies seeking licences to produce hemp in the Chinese province of Yunnan face a tightening of the application process, according to some who have successfully negotiated the concealed hurdles ...
Firms from Israel and South America are showing faith in the European CBD market, and its bricks-and-mortar retail, with distribution deals to place their products in a growing number of outlets ...
It remains unclear where the hemp and CBD investment centre for Asia will develop. History and existing infrastructure would point to Hong Kong, but development there has stalled – and there are other contenders ...
After a slow start, Japan's CBD sector is expanding rapidly, with the number of specialist shops growing, more vape and health shops, as well as the biggest discount retailer, now carrying CBD products ...
Chinese companies hoping to build up CBD businesses are growing increasingly frustrated by a lack of rulemaking, which is inhibiting the development of the domestic market ...
The government of Uzbekistan has allowed the turnover and imports of hemp and its related products within its territory, according to recent statements made by the press service of the Uzbek Presidential Administration ...
Companies are beginning to show interest in Kazakhstan ahead of an anticipated liberalisation of cannabis laws they hope will allow the cultivation and production of hemp products for medical, food and other purposes ...
Results from a successful phase three clinical trial on the use of Epidiolex to treat drug-resistant Dravet syndrome have been published in the JAMA Neurology journal ...
Legislative efforts will continue to push for cannabinoid liberalisation in the Philippines – despite recent comments that approval in principle of the epilepsy drug Epidiolex would be sufficient to cover most matters ...
A Denver-based chain claims to be the first CBD burger franchise in the US, while a Japanese company says it can extract CBD from orange peel. These and other stories are in CBD-Intel's latest round-up...
Toothpaste giant Colgate is entering the CBD market, researchers have created a laser scanner that can tell the difference between legal hemp and potentially illegal cannabis, and wrestling legend Kevin Nash has become the latest...
At a meeting of the thirteenth People’s Congress of Heilongjiang, representative Ding Fei laid out a comprehensive plan to accelerate the growth of the hemp and CBD industries in the province ...
Tom Hanks refutes false claims over endorsement of CBD products, research suggests cannabinoids benefit gene receptor diseases and CBD coffee is set to hit the market, plus more ...
The current administration in the Philippines has expressed its openness to introducing cannabis products into the country, but strictly in medicinal form – contrary to what the president indicated last year ...
Guitar legend Carlos Santana is teaming up with a legal cannabis company to have his own branded range of CBD; a CBD firm plans to replant burnt Australian trees, and a French restaurant offers a...
Two new studies have shown hopeful signs that CBD could be combined with existing drugs to improve treatment – in one case, of cancer, and in the other of the potentially deadly E. coli ...
CBD-Intel brings you news that hemp farmers in the US have set up their own trade association. a new CBD production line has been announced in China, and a German business is now taking orders...
While figures show China has around half the agricultural land in the world under hemp cultivation, the CBD industry in the nation is really only just beginning, according to experts at a recent conference ...
An Indian court is getting ready to hear a petition challenging the constitutionality of a law prohibiting and criminalising the use of cannabis. India has a long history of usage of cannabis, yet the plant...
A Colorado company is to pilot the use of CBD vending machines in convenience stores. Other news items come from the UK, South Africa, and states across the US from California to Vermont ...
According to research from San Diego State University, CBD is the most searched health term in the US. Also covered are further stories from the US, Australia, India, Italy and Switzerland ...
Researchers in Canada have for the first time revealed how CBD can block unwanted THC-related side-effects of cannabis. Also: Can CBD relieve anxiety disorders? and the therapeutic potential of ‘Turbo’ oil tested ...
The Malaysian government is to allow the import, storage, distribution and sale of medical marijuana – as long as producers or importers can prove its safety and efficacy for medical use ...
South Dakota governor Kristi Noem has explained why she continues to oppose hemp legalisation in the state; Flanders in Belgium is seeing enforcement action against CBD shops because of CBD oils and teas; Australian state...
Items from China, Thailand, Colombia, Israel, the US, Canada, UK and Ireland include news of the political leader’s son who is planning to open a hemp store, with dad’s blessing ...
Austrian and German police policy, local THC decision in Italy, Slovakian de-scheduling, Croatian proposals, US federal and state rulings and Israeli priorities come under the regulatory spotlight ...
CBD-Intel’s regular round-up of regulatory news features items from the US, Mexico, Germany, Italy, Spain, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, and the self-governing UK dependency of Jersey ...
Elvis Presley CBD for your hound dog? CBD-Intel’s business news round-up includes items from New York, British Columbia, Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, Israel, Australia and Colombia ...
A new partnership expands Israel’s global cannabis ties and gives a Chinese investor access to an entire portfolio of cannabis and hemp-related start-ups ...
The Philippines moved one step closer to legalising cannabis for medical use when a bill was approved on its final reading, but its progress to law could be scuppered by opposition from president Rodrigo...
Politicians in Israel are rarely united on any single issue, but as the much contended Israeli election draws nearer, members from across the political spectrum support the full legalisation of recreational cannabis ...
The United Nations Committee on Narcotic Drugs (UNCND) has delayed voting on cannabis and CBD recommendations in a move that has upset a number of delegates ...
Singaporean authorities do not believe there is sufficient evidence supporting the efficacy of “raw” cannabis, considering the plant and its derivatives to be a dangerous drug with few medical benefits ...
Although cannabis is considered a dangerous drug in Israel, government support for cannabis start-ups and liberal policies on research have helped the country develop an active medical cannabis industry ...
Israeli firms will soon be able to export medical cannabis and some derived medical cannabis products after a bill was passed establishing a licensing and supervision regime ...
Two CBD products have received kosher status from the largest agency in Europe dealing with rabbinically-approved foodstuffs. London-based Advance Biotech received kosher certification from KLBD Kosher Certification in September 2018, followed by Provocan, a CBD brand...