Chile: The Constitutional Court has rejected a challenge put forward by the opposition coalition to a bill that will allow home growing of cannabis for medicinal purposes under prescription. The
3rd April 2023 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The bill approved by Parliament on 14th March allowing home growing of cannabis for medicinal purposes under a doctor's prescription has been recently
15th March 2023 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The bill that we reported on yesterday, which will allow home growing of cannabis for medicinal purposes under prescription, was passed yesterday by the Senate and will become law
14th March 2023 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The Chamber of Deputies yesterday approved a report by an inter-house committee that seeks to allow home growing of cannabis for medicinal purposes provided the
28th November 2022 - Chile, South America |
Chile: During the discussion in the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies about Bill 12632-11, which seeks to bring all vaping products
9th November 2022 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The Senate decided yesterday to drop provisions allowing cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes, possession and cultivation of up to 500 g of cannabis and personal
10th August 2022 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The Senate Public Security Committee has approved modifications to a bill amending several laws, including Law 20,000 on Narcotics, that would allow the possession of up to five
Chile: A citizens’ initiative seeking to introduce a right to self-cultivation and consumption of cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes, which gathered more than 44,000