16th October 2024 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: The government has notified via the EU TRIS notification system a bill that would include certain cannabinoids in the narcotics list, including hexahydrocannabihexol (HHCH),
27th May 2024 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: Last week, the government published a decree amending the narcotics list to include tetrahydrocannabidiol (H4-CBD or hydrogenated CBD) and tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) as
4th September 2023 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: The government has officially included hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), hexahydrocannabinol acetate (HHC-O) and hexahydrocannabiphorol (HHC-P) in the narcotics list, following the publication of a decree
8th August 2023 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: The government yesterday notified the European Commission via the TRIS notification system of a bill that would ban CBD from being included in e-liquids, with
6th June 2023 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: The government has today notified via the EU TRIS system a bill to include HHC, HHC-O and HHC-P on the narcotics list.
13th December 2022 - Europe, Hungary |
Hungary: The government has issued an amendment to the list of psychoactive substances to include ADB-4en-P-5Br-INACA, a a composite of synthetic cannabinoids ADB-4en-PINACA and ADB-5’Br-BUTINACA.