Italy: European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides responded on behalf of the European Commission (EC) to a parliamentary enquiry regarding the
Italy: The Chamber of Deputies has approved the security bill that seeks to restrict hemp to industrial uses only and prohibit the cultivation and sale
Italy: The Chamber of Deputies Justice Committee revived and approved an amendment to a security bill that aims to restrict hemp to industrial uses only
Italy: The government-proposed amendment to a security bill, which aimed to restrict hemp to industrial uses only and prohibit the cultivation and sale of hemp
Italy: The Ministry of Health has issued a decree that repeals the previous decree that placed “the compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol obtained
Italy: The government has proposed an amendment to a security bill that would restrict hemp to industrial uses only, press reports. The bill is being considered
Italy: The Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) has again extended the suspension of the decree that places “the compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol
France: A joint committee made up of assembly members and senators has failed to agree on a common version of the 2024 Social Security
Italy: The Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) has extended the suspension of the decree that places “the compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol obtained from Cannabis
Italy: The Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) has suspended the decree that places “the compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol obtained from Cannabis extracts”
Italy: The decree that places “the compositions for oral administration of cannabidiol obtained from Cannabis extracts” in the table of medicines in the Narcotics Act
Italy: The industry association Canapa Sativa Italia sent a formal request to the minister of health to repeal the decree that classified “compositions for
Italy: The Ministry of Health has issued a decree that revokes the suspension of the entry into force of the Decree 1st October 2020 (20A05476), which places
Italy: The Ministry of Health has made the decision to classify hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), hexahydrocannabiphorol (HHCP) and hexahydrocannabinol acetate (HHCO) as narcotics. The ban entered into
Italy: The government has proposed an amendment to Bill 1038, which aims to extend tobacco legislation to those parts of the hemp plant that can
Italy: The Ministry of Health reports that over 1.5 tonnes of medical cannabis were sold in 2022, of which only 0.2 tonnes were produced
Italy: The Military Pharmaceutical Chemical Institute has temporarily suspended production of medical cannabis due to the poor state of the facilities and the lack
Italy: The Ministry of Defence has published the list of companies that have passed to phase 2 of the tender for the cultivation
Italy: The Lazio Administrative Tribunal (TAR) has annulled the Decree on Officinal Plants, which came into force in May 2022, subjecting hemp flower and leaf extraction to
Italy: A number of deputies from left-wing opposition parties have presented an amendment to the 2023 Budget Bill that aims to legalise recreational cannabis under a state
Italy: Bill 168, which aims to ban the recreational use of hemp flowers, was assigned to the competent committee of the Senate. The bill
Italy: A hard-line stance against cannabis can be expected in Italy after the far-right Brothers of Italy party (Fratelli d’Italia) took first place in Sunday’s
Italy: Following the appeal by industry association Federcanapa against the decree on officinal plants, the Lazio Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) scheduled a new
Italy: Prime minister Mario Draghi has submitted his resignation and dissolved Parliament after the right-wing parties withdrew their support in the Senate. The next
Italy: Industry association Federcanapa has appealed to the Lazio administrative tribunal against the national Decree on officinal plants, which it says is contrary to the Hemp Law.
Italy: The minister for youth and the Department for Anti-Drug Policies have presented to Parliament the Annual report on drug addiction, in which they recommend
Italy: The bill to legalise and regulate domestic cannabis cultivation of up to four plants was introduced today, 30th June, to the Chamber of Deputies
Italy: The Ministry of Defence has put back to 29th July 2022 the deadline for private companies to declare an interest in growing cannabis for medical use, due
Italy: The Council of Ministers challenged the Sardinian Regional Law 6/2022 – which aims to promote hemp cultivation and processing – because it exceeds the powers given
Italy: The Decree on Officinal Plants entered into force last week and it subjects cannabis flower and leaf extraction intended for the production of medicinal products to the Narcotics
Italy: The Ministry of Defence has published a call for tender for the cultivation of medical cannabis by private companies. In Italy, the cultivation
Italy: The Constitutional Court rejected a referendum on decriminalising the cultivation and possession of recreational cannabis for personal use.