Revelations about Chinese activities in the US agriculture sector have raised a number of issues. Evidence of increased activity by Chinese national affiliates has sparked something of a red scare among commentators ...
A claim by Smoore Technology that 38 cannabis companies infringed the Chinese firm’s patents had very little chance of success with the US International Trade Commission, according to legal experts ...
Government and industry representatives from around the world met in Geneva last week to hear about the “significant economic opportunities” offered by industrial hemp and the need for greater clarity on its legal status ...
CBD-Intel was on point in its 2021 predictions. Much like the preceding year, we believed 2021 would largely be defined more by what did not happen than what did ...
A research team at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands recently launched a three-year study into whether medicinal cannabis oil can help to regress liver-cancer tumours ...
Suggestions that a Chinese ban on the use of CBD in cosmetics that would essentially shut down the domestic CBD market, blocking imports and cross-border online sales, appear to be premature ...
A CNY5bn ($745m) fund and three years of CNY100m ($14.9m) funding have been promised as part of a hemp sector development plan for Kunming City, the capital of Yunnan Province ...
Companies seeking licences to produce hemp in the Chinese province of Yunnan face a tightening of the application process, according to some who have successfully negotiated the concealed hurdles ...
It remains unclear where the hemp and CBD investment centre for Asia will develop. History and existing infrastructure would point to Hong Kong, but development there has stalled – and there are other contenders ...
Chinese companies hoping to build up CBD businesses are growing increasingly frustrated by a lack of rulemaking, which is inhibiting the development of the domestic market ...
At a meeting of the thirteenth People’s Congress of Heilongjiang, representative Ding Fei laid out a comprehensive plan to accelerate the growth of the hemp and CBD industries in the province ...
CBD-Intel brings you news that hemp farmers in the US have set up their own trade association. a new CBD production line has been announced in China, and a German business is now taking orders...
While figures show China has around half the agricultural land in the world under hemp cultivation, the CBD industry in the nation is really only just beginning, according to experts at a recent conference ...
A Colorado company is to pilot the use of CBD vending machines in convenience stores. Other news items come from the UK, South Africa, and states across the US from California to Vermont ...
Items from China, Thailand, Colombia, Israel, the US, Canada, UK and Ireland include news of the political leader’s son who is planning to open a hemp store, with dad’s blessing ...
A new partnership expands Israel’s global cannabis ties and gives a Chinese investor access to an entire portfolio of cannabis and hemp-related start-ups ...
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