The recent discovery of the illicit animal tranquilliser xylazine in cannabis vapes raises concerns about harmful contaminants. How do these substances end up in vaping products? ...
CBDeelite has today (1st April) been declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), in an effort to preserve some of the CBD era for future generations ...
Cannabinoids can be found in numerous plants, animals and fungi, and as more are unearthed and their properties tested, our knowledge of potential applications and uses expands ...
Cannabinoids have been credited with many benefits to individual health. But now industry stakeholders are wondering if the hemp plant could be applied to an even bigger task – saving the planet ...
Government and industry representatives from around the world met in Geneva last week to hear about the “significant economic opportunities” offered by industrial hemp and the need for greater clarity on its legal status ...
The United Nations may be growing more accepting of a global legal cannabinoid sector, but it does not believe many countries have the capacity to successfully regulate such markets ...
The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade is planning to clarify the definitions of definition of industrial hemp and the varieties that can be cultivated for industrial purposes by March/April 2022 ...
The United Nations (UN) drugs division is calling for a “comprehensive ban” on cannabis advertising to address the growing belief among young people that cannabis is not harmful ...
Cannabis legalisation is so far away in Russia that the plant is now considered a national security threat, according to provisions of the new state strategy for Anti-Drug...
The United Nations (UN) vote on various cannabis related proposals has largely been seen as a historic moment symbolically but one that can only be considered a tiny first step in practical terms ...
Despite continuing uncertainty, the Russian CBD market is on the verge of big changes, following the approval of a draft bill by the national parliament ...
The United Nations Committee on Narcotic Drugs (UNCND) has delayed voting on cannabis and CBD recommendations in a move that has upset a number of delegates ...
Proper disposal of cannabis raw materials forms a major part of new work from ASTM International, US-based developer of international voluntary technical standards ...
CBD is likely to be removed from the scope of the most significant international treaty on drug control, following a favourable report by the World Health Organization (WHO), which also recommends downgrading cannabis ...
Researchers in Portugal have developed an algorithm to identify characteristics that suggest the nations most likely to legalise recreational cannabis ...
Companies which make beverages containing CBD are resorting to new technologies to get around a thorny problem.
CBD is not water soluble, meaning a fatty emulsion needs to be created in order to get the substance...
CBD should not be scheduled within international drug control conventions, according to the latest meeting of the World Health Organization’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence ...
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