New legislation has been put forward in Peru to establish a framework for the production and commercialisation of hemp – but what are its chances of passing in a period of political turmoil? ...
The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has withdrawn its proposal to effectively ban five psychedelic compounds after receiving significant opposition from the research and advocacy community ...
It’s difficult to get a licence to operate in the cannabis field in the US if you’ve been convicted of selling cannabis before it was legal. Yet such restrictions do little to protect the market...
Patients in Spain will soon be able to access cannabis in pharmacies with a medical prescription as the government is about to introduce new legislation ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECBD industry warned about new intoxicating cannabinoids shaking up the market Consumers have an increasing appetite for cannabinoids that have a more intoxicating effect, which is shaking up the US CBD...
Hemp producers have lost an important challenge on the 0.3% THC threshold for hemp-derived products in the US, potentially making producers liable if they go over the threshold during production, whether or not the end...
There is quite a bit of baggage in how reference is made to the Cannabis sativa plant – as demonstrated by what's behind a new change to the law in the US state of Washington...
Israeli cannabis firm InterCure is collaborating with US brand Cookies to launch Europe’s first flagship Cookies store in Vienna; meanwhile, Panaxia Labs exports to Germany from Malta ...
Companies are facing technical and marketing pros and cons as they increasingly turn to cold-press CBD extraction as a way around novel food market limitations in the UK and Ireland ...
It looks like there will be no easy or quick solutions to addressing the data gaps the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) requires to reach a conclusion on the safety of CBD as an ingestible...
Germany should plan ahead to avoid problems which have plagued governments that have already legalised recreational cannabis on top of medical cannabis ...
While cannabis use is now legal in many US states, there is as yet no reliable test to determine whether, or how far, a user may be “under the influence” ...
A hold has been placed on European novel food assessment after the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said it was unable to proceed due to identified knowledge gaps in safety data ...
The US is in danger of being left behind the burgeoning global cannabis market because of a lack of political will to commit to any form of federal cannabis reform ...
A six-year study of young adult behaviour reveals that when and where cannabis use is legalised, young people’s use of alcoho. and tobacco drops – and so does the use, and misuse, of pain-relieving prescription...