There are incorrect reports that a proposed bill in Florida would regulate delta-8 THC products in the state. In fact the bill will place limitations on the sale of all hemp-derived products ...
The incoming German ‘traffic light’ coalition government’s promise to legalise recreational cannabis for adults puts it on track to be the first major European nation to take such action ...
CBD-Intel podcast editor Jon Bruford meets Dr K CBD's Dr Ruchira Karunadasa who explains why he believes the company has an important role to play in helping the industry towards mature dialogue, and the impact...
The newly elected German governing coalition has followed through on pre-election promises and included a plan for cannabis legalisation in its coalition agreement – but many questions remain to be answered ...
Questions on European policies banning flowers and outlining permitted THC levels in food ingredients have been raised by a commentary from the EC to a French proposal ...
Rahul Gupta has been confirmed by the US Senate as director of National Drug Control Policy, while president Joe Biden intends to nominate Robert Califf as head of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
eBay is set to launch a CBD trial, sources tell CBD-Intel. The internet marketplace that built its name as an auction site is said to be anticipating a November start for its UK...
Another study, this time from Italy, has found potentially dangerous levels of heavy metals and pesticides in CBD products. Researchers were worried by the results and asked regulators and legislators to act ...
The highest court in France has confirmed the decision made by the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) in the Kanavape case – but the decision has contributed to uncertainty over the legality of hemp-derived...
Interest in the Brazilian medical cannabinoid market is based on optimistic projections of growth continuing in the same vein rather than concrete current numbers, a domestic report has confirmed ...
Interest in psychedelic drugs and treatments continues to grow, as evidenced by three major takeovers in Canada and the USA, two involving drug treatments developments and another offering a network of ketamine infusion treatment centres...
It turns out the Charlotte’s Web application to the US FDA for the registration of a full spectrum hemp extract as a new dietary ingredient (NDI) DID include data from the ValidCare industry study ...
German imports of medical cannabis flowers rose by 80% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period of 2021, but hopes of establishing local production were...
Patience continues to be the watchword when it comes to innovation in the cannabinoid beverage space. Developments continue but companies appear willing to take their time to enter the market as regulation loosens ...