Government and industry representatives from around the world met in Geneva last week to hear about the “significant economic opportunities” offered by industrial hemp and the need for greater clarity on its legal status ...
Licensed medical cannabis patients in the US state of Georgia can legally possess oils with less than 5% THC, but they can’t legally buy it due to legislative delays and a series of legal appeals...
Belgium has set new rules for nicotine-free e-liquids, effectively banning all e-liquids containing CBD – and thereby setting up a possible conflict with EU law ...
CBD company Chanelle McCoy Health has received approval to start a trial which may allow it to sell its CBD sleeping aid as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug in Australian pharmacies ...
Legislation to create a medical cannabis programme in the US state of Kansas appeared to be on the verge of success many times – but it died again as the 2022 session drew to a...
Cannabis consumption is a growing problem in Bavaria and its planned legalisation in Germany would further burden the country’s health system, Bavarian health minister Klaus Holetschek says ...
The French Council of State has definitively ruled that a 2021 government decree banning hemp flowers is illegal and must be annulled. This major decision fully authorises French shops to sell CBD products, including flowers,...
The German Ministry of Health’s budget has been slashed by €1m in a bid to put pressure on health minister Karl Lauterbach to present a draft law for the legalisation of cannabis ...
There are high hopes for the Japanese cannabinoid sector ahead of the legal reforms expected later this year, according to speakers at the CBD Journey Vol. 4 and CannaCon 2022 event and conference held at...
CannIntelligence reviews developments in cannabis regulation in Latin America in 2022 and looks forward to likely further opening-up of the industry in many of the region's nations in 2023 ...
Young adults in the US are giving up on cigarettes and alcohol as their consumption of cannabis outgrows that of tobacco and may be behind a dip in alcohol sales in some states ...
A growing number of Canadians are turning to legal sources for cannabis, according to a new survey commissioned by the government, with just 4% of users admitting to buying from illicit sellers ...
The FDA has made clear for years that CBD in food is illegal in the US, as it violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act. What’s different this...
This past year has seen a curious crossing of paths in the world of cannabis and cannabinoids, with concerns around CBD increasing even as many countries make moves towards the legalisation of cannabis ...
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has begun the process of collecting data and evaluating the risk posed by hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and other semi-synthetic cannabinoids ...
A decision by Germany’s Federal Social Court limiting the prescribing and insurance payment for medical cannabis has been described by a leading lawyer on cannabis issues as “disturbing” ...
The use of illicit substances, including cannabis, by US teenagers has plateaued in 2022 after a significant decline in 2021, a national survey found ...
Ukraine’s parliament will continue to consider a bill to legalise medical cannabis beyond the current legislative session because of the expected need stemming from the Russian invasion of the country ...
A 2021 acquisition deal between two cannabis companies over a lucrative shopfront in Orange County, California, has resulted in both companies filing legal claims against each other ...
The former CEO of a firm that claimed to have manufactured CBD-infused drinks is accused by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of making fraudulent and false claims about the company ...
US cannabis firms have been striking deals to acquire new brands, diversify their offerings and boost production capacity. Recent movers include California’s High Times and Bloomios, while two Oregon firms have teamed up ...
The United Nations may be growing more accepting of a global legal cannabinoid sector, but it does not believe many countries have the capacity to successfully regulate such markets ...
The sale and possession of CBD will be banned in Hong Kong from the beginning of February 2023 following an announcement earlier this year. Under the new rules, CBD will be classified in the same way as heroin...
Canadian advocates for therapeutic access to psilocybin are ramping up their efforts to get the federal government to grant exemptions to the country’s drug laws so patients and healthcare providers can legally access the drug...
Canada’s cannabis industry is toasting the federal government’s announcement of new regulations that will dramatically increase the number of cannabis drinks consumers can buy at one time ...
A measure to allow the use of psychedelics in Colorado is a major step – but supporters worry it could lead to the sort of bad experience that would set back the progress of legalisation...
The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, aimed at increasing research into the medical benefits of cannabis, has been signed into law by US president Joe Biden ...
One of Canada’s largest cannabis companies has announced plans to restructure in a bid to achieve profitability and set the stage for expansion into the US market ...
Ontario-based cannabis firm Canopy Growth has created a US-domiciled holding company to fast-track its expansion into “the world’s fastest-growing cannabis market” ...
British American Tobacco (BAT) has invested nearly $57m in Charlotte’s Web, as the Colorado, US-based CBD maker keeps broadening the spectrum of its partnerships ...
Budget supermarket chain Aldi’s CBD products are out of stock in the UK and there’s no indication of when, or indeed whether, they will be restocked ...
US rapper, record producer and entrepreneur Sean Combs – a.k.a. Puff Daddy, P Diddy, Diddy, or Puffy – has bought cannabis businesses in three US states in a deal valued at up to $185m ...
A CBD company in Belgium has proved in court that local authorities in the country do not have the right to gold-plate regulations to prohibit the sale of hemp-based cannabinoid products ...
Members of the Mexican cannabis sector have told CannIntelligence they are pessimistic about whether the framework to regulate the national medical cannabis industry will be implemented before 2024 ...
Tilray Brands continues to show signs of confidence in the future of cannabis-infused drinks by adding more beverage firms to its portfolio and building a distribution network ...
It was a small setback for US pro-legalisation supporters, with only two of five state-level recreational cannabis measures on November midterm ballots being passed ...
Major US alcohol distributor Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits is signing increasing numbers of distribution deals to add CBD products to its portfolio ...
The predicted Red Wave never arrived – but how have the prospects for cannabis-related federal legislation in the US been changed by the midterm elections? US correspondent James DeLise considers the new balance of power...
Nebraska is one of only 12 US states still holding out against medical cannabis – and advocates believe they were deliberately blocked from getting the issue put to the public ballot despite wide popular support...
A test case has demonstrated that the ECHR doesn’t consider access to cannabis to be a universal human right, and balancing a cannabis user’s human rights with public interest is best left to sovereign states...
Written by Antonia Di Lorenzo | 21st November 2022
A cannabis regulation lawyer believes the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the CBD sector have invested so much time, effort and money in the novel food process that it cannot be allowed to fail...
In an exclusive partnership with Charlotte’s Web, Major League Baseball (MLB) has become the first of the major US sports leagues to sign a deal with a cannabinoid company ...
CBD isolate producers in the UK are waiting to see whether and how toxicological data released by the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) will affect their novel food applications to the Food Standards Agency (FSA)...
Nearly six months after the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) put novel food assessments for cannabinoids on hold, none of the validated applicants has been able to fill the identified knowledge gaps ...
Sweden’s general election in September was not good news for cannabis advocates, with the new right-wing bloc minority government likely to take a highly restrictive view, while cannabinoids are not high on its agenda ...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently appointed Norman Birenbaum to a top post as a senior public health adviser in the FDA’s Center for Regulatory Programs, signalling a seismic shift at the agency...
In a first attempt to legalise cannabis through the federal parliament in Australia, the Greens party is in the process of drafting a law for legalisation that will be available for public consultation later this year...
It’s unlikely that any applications for novel food authorisation of CBD products in the UK will be considered for authorisation before mid-2023 – and being on the list of validated applications is no guarantee ...