Though it’s still early days, Switzerland could become the first European country to wholeheartedly legalise recreational cannabis, though that doesn’t mean that progress in Europe is speeding up ...
Cannabis companies have been pushing the envelope of acceptable marketing and business practices by insinuating unproven benefits for their products while also looking to create the strongest goods possible ...
As Germany heads towards its national elections on 23rd February, cannabis legalisation has emerged as one of the most divisive and closely watched issues on the political stage ...
The ever-changing make-up of US president-elect Donald Trump’s nominees for posts in his administration – still far from set in stone – offers a few new options that will impact on cannabis and hemp ...
Until last week, the US cannabis sector was wondering what to expect from the then-upcoming presidential elections, and cannabis legalisation was also on the ballot in several states ...
As the US cannabis sector prepares for the economic impact of an announced reclassification of marijuana to a less-restrictive schedule, the presidential contest seems to have already turned cannabis into a business opportunity worth supporting...
Some fear healthcare and food safety will not be among the main concerns of the next European Commission after the Commission president unveiled the new commissioners’ respective tasks ...
The US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recently decided tetrahydrocannabinol acetate (THCO) was legal under current federal law, disregarding an interpretation by the Drug Enforcement Administration ...
Just over a year after the Czech government unveiled a new, ambitious action plan to fight addictions, doubts are being raised over the government’s alignment with its own declared war on addictions ...
After a few back-and-forths, Italian authorities may actually kill the country’s CBD sector by simply passing a minor amendment to a major soon-to-be-approved bill, banning hemp flower and its extracts regardless of their THC content...
Though debate about US president Joe Biden’s potential replacement dominates headlines on the November elections, down-ballot races in many states may impact the future of cannabis in the country ...
The first cannabis club in Germany may soon start operating after receiving the first cultivation licence under the country’s new cannabis regulation ...
Revelations about Chinese activities in the US agriculture sector have raised a number of issues. Evidence of increased activity by Chinese national affiliates has sparked something of a red scare among commentators ...
While moving cannabis to a less-restrictive Schedule III will not legalise the recreational market at a federal level, it may reflect the need for authorities to modify their attitude to align with changes in society...
Germany enforced mainland Europe’s first adult-use cannabis regulation on 1st April, but long before that the country had captured the attention of the international cannabis sector ...
The international cannabis sector wrapped up its yearly gathering in Barcelona with all eyes on Germany’s upcoming regulation and the contradiction of host country Spain still without one ...
If you get paid for increasing sales of a product, you’re promoting that product. That seems like a simple enough concept, yet it’s one that, according to the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), influencers and...
Spain will soon have a long-overdue regulation of medical cannabis in place. This may be good news for the sector, but will the upcoming law measure up to industry and patients’ expectations? ...
Japan may very soon ban hexahydrocannabihexol (HHCH) and other synthetic cannabinoid derivatives in the wake of the country’s first medical cannabis regulation bill passing its initial parliamentary scrutiny ...
The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) does not appear to be especially concerned about the potential for mentioning the presence of CBD in a product being a health claim. The ASA recently made a ruling...
Hawaii’s cannabis sector was not immune to the devastation and death brought by the Maui wildfires, which killed at least 114 people earlier this month ...
After the obvious opening question, “Have you ever used cannabis?” came the follow-up: “Do you think it did you any harm?” To which my honest answer was: “Yes. It got me hooked on tobacco” ...
Together with climate change, sustainability, waste and environmental pollution – issues which are all inextricably interlinked – add up to arguably the big issue of our times ...
The company behind Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms has joined Twitter and Google in updating its advertising policies on CBD products ...
Patients don’t want cannabis to become just another prescription drug – while their doctors want it to be more closely studied, tested and regulated before they are happy to prescribe it ...
US cannabis users are three times more likely to be cigarette smokers than those who don’t use cannabis, but this statistic is an example of the “gateway drug fallacy” ...
Legalisation of cannabis cultivation was met with initial excitement in many African countries, such as Malawi, where it offered new economic hopes in a poor agrarian economy ...
The Czech government is still knee deep in trying to create a recreational cannabis market, but it looks like tightening up enforcement on tangential areas is no longer as much of a concern ...
Researchers at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a review on the toxicity of orally-consumed CBD, largely echoing worries outlined in other safety reviews. So how worried should we be? ...
The Czech Republic has taken another interesting U-turn, announcing then almost at once retracting a ban on CBD foods – but what might it all mean for recreational cannabis, or IHDCs? ...
German recreational legalisation – despite being watered down – will still heavily impact, but not completely eliminate, the country’s medical cannabis market ...
Increasing numbers of consumers are shifting away from alcohol in favour of healthier and lower-alcoholic options, which many have perceived as an opportunity for cannabinoid-containing drinks ...
A new study of the relationship between opioids and cannabis via payments to doctors in US states offers little towards understanding the potential of cannabis as a substitute for opioids ...
Germany’s newly presented recreational cannabis plan may be good news if you’re a German consumer sick of black-market dealings, but it offers poor fare for those on the business end ...
While statistics are vital to understanding our world, they are often misunderstood – and that can be important when it comes to forming opinions and laws on controversial issues such as cannabis ...
Comments by the chair of the UK Committee on Toxicity (COT) about reactions to CBD have stirred up a hornet’s nest – but the furore suggests a misunderstanding of what he actually said ...
Business representatives and scientists from across the globe gathered in Barcelona last week for a series of international events dedicated to the world of legal cannabis ...
Tamarind Intelligence data continues to be an invaluable tool used by governments and NGOs around the world, contributing to a wide number of government and supra-national projects ...
Another poll weighted to be nationally representative of US voters has shown strong support for legalising adult use of recreational cannabis – and broad backing for including social equity measures ...
Could the involvement of Snoop Dogg help a Californian companyt to “disrupt tobacco’s nearly $1tn industry with hemp cigarettes, smoking paper and other alternatives to nicotine tobacco”? ...
CannIntelligence predicted that 2022 would be the year of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) and that has proven to be the case. But’s not been plain sailing for cannabis or CBD
The recreational reputation of synthetic cannabinoids – synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs) – precedes them, leading to restrictions on use and even research ...
Correlation is not causation, but it’s tempting to see a meaningful pattern in figures showing that US adults (particularly the younger ones) are smoking less tobacco and using more cannabis ...
Despite what its authors claim, a new and widely reported study fails to establish that the analgesic properties of cannabis can be largely attributable to the placebo effect ...
New research suggests that the effect of cannabis on dopamine may help to treat certain symptoms of bipolar disorder, with a reduced tendency to engage in risky behaviours and some improvement in cognitive ability ...
Cannabis-infused drinks have been the subject of industry debate and speculation as they raise many challenges – from regulatory hurdles to dosage issues and taste formulation – but is it just a case of "when",...
The re-election of Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis raises doubts over a deal between the convenience and fuel retailer Circle-K and Green Thumb Industries to roll out a series of small medical cannabis dispensaries ...